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Created by Pacific Time


Ancient Island leads us to the place that made Charles Darwin famous: The Galápagos Islands, an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed on either side of the Equator in the Pacific Ocean, 926 km (575 mi) west of continental Ecuador, of which they are a part.


Here in these desolated lands, evolution went its own way. Here the animals are unique and different than anywhere else on the world. Here dinosaurs are still alive.


We brought this unique world to Niörd, including some of its most iconic creatures: Cormorants with wings but that can not fly, and ridiculous looking lizards that graze the sea floor as do cows in a pasture.


Have we been able to persuade you to come over and take a look for yourself?

Species housed in Ancient Island:


Flightless Cormorant - Phalacrocorax harrisi
Galapagos Land Iguana - Conolophus subcristatus
Marine Iguana - Ambylrhynchus cristatus

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