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Created by Unicorn


Although rather rare in European parks, the dolphins of Niörds Dolphin Discovery are species kept in captivity quite often to preform in shows. Niörd Seafari is a conservation center and so: no dolphin shows here. Rather the opposite. Here we focus on the care for animals that have no where else to go. Mostly because they are too old, they got injured while performing, or because they need extended medical care.


Each individual has its own sad story to tell, and most of the time that includes: kept to entertain tourists, kept without companions, kept in a pool that was way to small, kept in water that contained too much chlorine, etc.


Here in Niörd, the dolphins are allowed to spend the rest of their life in peace and happiness.

So, make sure to come over to meet our dolphin families.


Species housed in Dolphin Discovery:


Commerson's Dolphin - Cephalorhyncus commersonii
Pacific White-Sided Dolphin - Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
Short-Finned Pilot Whale - Globicephala macrorhyncus

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