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Created by Orca Freak


With its opening in spring 2013, Doors to the Deep is the most recent addition to Niörd Seafari.

Decent into the depths of the oceans and encounter oarfish, coelacanths, vampire squids, and the very rare giant siphonophores. The simple aquariums are decorated with plants (including sea stars and deep sea anemones) and rocks to give the visitor something more to look at than just the desolate, empty world these animals usually live in.


Although the small building looks rather simple compared to the other aquariums in the park, it is the buiding with the most advanced technologies. Something that is required to house some of the weirdest creatures of the oceans. Natural sunlight shines throught the high windows to brighten up the inside of the aquarium. And some tropical plants provide a soft touch to the otherwise sober interior. The aquariums are build out of specially designed acrylic glass. To withstand the huge water pressures that are being formed inside the tanks to simulate the natural world of the animals housed, the panels are almost 10 cm thick. No light can penetrate the glass from the outside, which results in the tanks being pitch dark. But to allow our guests a peak in the dark world of the deep oceans, the aquariums are illuminated from above with green night lights that are perfectly safe for our amazing animals.


So make sure to take a dive into the deep when visiting Niörd Seafari.

Species housed in Doors to the Deep:


Angler - Lophius piscatorius                                                                Giant Oarfish - Regalecus glesne
Giant Siphonophore - Praya dubia                                                      Pelican Eel - Eurypharynx pelecanoides
Vampire Squid - Vampyroteuthis infernalis                                          West Indian Ocean Coelacanth - Latimeria chalumnae

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