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Created by Pacific Time


As the name suggests, Rocky Point Preserve was built after an environment where rocks meet the ocean. Which is basically every coast side on the northern half of the Northern Hemisphere. Here you can see our playful harbour porpoises, our couple of northern sea otters, the wandering pied avocets, and our graceful harbour seals.


The northern sea otters/pied avocets building was specially designed so it could house both species, even though they don’t share the same habitat. On the wooden boardwalk, you can see our two otters in their exhibit, a forest of giant kelp to represent their natural habitat; and also the avocets, foraging in the shallow waters of a sandy beach.

The harbour porpoises are one of the main attractions, due to their resemblance to dolphins, and to their playfulness. Guests enjoy the underwater view, especially when it’s feeding time. The center was made so that it could house injured porpoises, to rehabilitate, and release them. The resident porpoises of Niörd Seafari however were unfortunately unable to fully recover. As they couldn’t be released back into the wild, they stayed in the park.

Last stop on Rocky Point is the harbour seals. Their simple exhibit easily accommodates the seals, while offering an underwater view to the guests, so they can enjoy the seals while they play underwater, and also while they are being fed.

Species housed in Rocky Point Preserve:


Harbor Porpoise - Phocoena phocoena                                               Harbor Seal - Phoca vitulina
Northern Sea Otter - Enhydra lutris kenyoni                                        Pied Avocet - Recurvirostra avosetta

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